Breast Screening & Diagnosis

Regular screening is the best way to prevent breast cancer and other diseases.

Breast cancer self-exams

Set a date once a month and make it a habit

After your first self-exam, test daily to identify breast features

If breast changes before menstruation and around ovulation make diagnosis difficult, get a mammogram

Step 01. visual observation in the mirror

(compare changes in the shape or contour of your breasts to your usual breasts)


observe both breasts with both arms relaxed.


Place your hands behind the back of your head in a clasp and push your breasts out in front of you, squeezing your arms.


Place your hands on your waist and lean forward with your shoulders and elbows forward, squeezing your chest.

Step 02. Hand palpation

(standing or sitting, gently using lotion, etc.)


raise the arm over the head on the side of the breast being examined and palpate using the base of the first 2, 3, or 4 fingers of the opposite side.


Make a circle around the upper outer part of the breast, feeling the area above and below the collarbone and under the armpit, checking for lumps or bumps.


Make small circular motions around the nipple, then squeeze above, below, and on either side of the nipple to check for abnormal discharge.

Step 03. Palpation with the hands2

(complementary to the lying down method)


lie down comfortably, place a folded towel under the shoulder of the examining side, raise the arm of the examining side, and examine in the same way as in step 2.

Breast cancer symptoms

One breast is larger than usual.

One breast is hanging down more than usual.

The nipple is tucked in differently than usual.

The skin of the breast feels like tangerine peel.

The skin of the nipple has changed.

The upper part of your arm is swollen.

Discharge from the nipple.

An abnormal lump is palpable.

Lymph nodes are enlarged.

Types of breast exams

  • Mammograms
  • Breast ultrasound

01. Mammograms

This test can detect breast cancers that are not palpable and is
an important part of breast cancer screening for asymptomatic women.
If you have dense breasts at the time of mammography,
it is recommended to combine it with a breast ultrasound examination.

How it's done

A mammogram is a basic X-ray examination
of the breast tissue that shows the appearance
of the tissue inside the breast through
an X-rayed image while the breast is compressed.

How often to get screened

The National Cancer Screening Initiative recommends
mammograms every two years for women age 40 and older,
but mammograms are recommended every other year starting
at age 30, and every six months if you have a family history
or abnormal findings.

02. Breast ultrasound

It has many advantages, such as detecting small lumps measuring 5mm
or less that do not show up on examination or photographs,
so when used in conjunction with physical examination and mammography,
they can complement each other's weaknesses for more accurate detection.

How it's done

Typically, breast ultrasound is performed as a secondary test
after a mammogram reveals an abnormality, but Asian women
often have dense breasts, so it's often done in conjunction
with a mammogram. Ultrasound, in particular,
uses ultrasound waves that are harmless to the body
without the use of radiation, making it safe for multiple screenings.

How often to get screened

We recommend that you have a mammogram along
with a breast ultrasound, usually once a year. If you have a
suspiciously benign lesion on your mammogram, you will need to
work with your healthcare provider to schedule a follow-up
exam at the appropriate time, usually the first follow-up exam
will be in 6 months.

Breast Exam Q&A

  • Q. What is dense breast?
    Dense breasts have a high amount of milk-producing mammary gland tissue and a relatively low amount of fatty tissue, which means that mammograms appear generally white. Lumps also appear white because they are formed in the breast or in the mammary gland tissue, so mammograms alone often do not identify the presence of lumps in the breast.
  • Q. My mammogram was too painful, shouldn't I just have a mammogram?
    Dense breasts have a high amount of milk-producing mammary gland tissue and a relatively low amount of fatty tissue, which means that mammograms appear generally white. Lumps also appear white because they are formed in the breast or in the mammary gland tissue, so mammograms alone often do not identify the presence of lumps in the breast.

Privee Breast Clinic's

01. Detailed explanation

We will explain in detail and kindly how breast pain occurs and why it occurs from A to Z of the breast.

02. Quick and accurate diagnosis

We offer same-day visits, same-day biopsies, and while most breast tumor biopsies (based on core biopsy) take about a week to get results, we can get them to you within 3 days.

03. State-of-the-art equipment

We use only the most advanced laser equipment such as GE Ultrasound, Philips Ultrasound, Enco, VexCor, etc.

04. Close medical cooperation with
top general hospitals

We have agreements with leading general hospitals such as Ulsan National University Hospital, Yangsan Pusan National University Hospital, Seoul Asan Medical Center, Seoul Samsung Medical Center, and others, so it is easy to refer all of them when breast cancer is diagnosed.

05. Treating breast plastic surgery patients

Even breast specialty hospitals are burdened with the examination and treatment of breast plastic surgery patients, and patients may not visit due to shame or worry, Privilege Breast Surgery offers breast fat grafting, breast fillers, cancer screening for breast implant patients, mammograms, mammotomes, and biopsies.

06. Striving not to hurt

I am constantly researching anesthesia. We do not use the usual lidocaine and saline mixture. We can perform mammotome and threadlifting procedures that minimize pain.

07. Commitment to safety

We adopt a safety management system that is difficult
to find in local hospitals.
Contamination control system
- Autoclave, Iogas sterilizer
Emergency preparedness system
- emergency cart, intubation, arm bag, etc
